JUNE 13-16, 2025
The Hot Creek Ranch trip is around the corner in June 2025. Hot Creek Ranch is located near Mammoth Lakes, CA.
We are compiling a list of members for the lottery on this trip.
HCR is a destination fishery with two miles of private water to fish. HCR includes 9 cabins which allow 2 anglers per cabin and 18 total for our club. The ranch is usually booked solid year around and PCC is fortunate to have a long weekend allocated to us every year. The ranch is dedicated to dry fly fishing, but the ranch manager (Kevin) often allows subsurface fishing depending on the water conditions.
The individual cost this year is $555 for a member.
Due to the popularity of the trip, PCC will have a drawing for spots.
If you are interested in going, please respond to Matt Swanson ( , (626) 437-0344) and indicate that you would like your name to be placed in the drawing.
It is necessary include the following in your response.
Email Address
Telephone Number
The drawing will only be for single spots and initially focused on club members. An email was sent to all club members on Feb 7 notifying that the period for indicating interest in the drawing is open.
The open period to be placed in the drawing will last for one week – closes Friday Feb14.